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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
When Legree scolded and stormed, Emmeline was terrified; but when he laid
his hand on her, and spoke as he now did, she felt as if she had rather he would
strike her. The expression of his eyes made her soul sick, and her flesh creep. In-
voluntarily she clung closer to the mulatto woman by her side, as if she were her

“You didn’t ever wear ear-rings,” he said, taking hold of her small ear with his
coarse fingers.

“No, Mas’r!” said Emmeline, trembling and looking down.

“Well, I’ll give you a pair, when we get home, if you’re a good girl. You
needn’t be so frightened; I don’t mean to make you work very hard. You’ll have
fine times with me, and live like a lady,- only be a good girl.”

Legree had been drinking to that degree that he was inclined to be very gra-
cious; and it was about this time that the enclosures of the plantation rose to view.
The estate had formerly belonged to a gentleman of opulence and taste, who had
bestowed some considerable attention to the adornment of his grounds. Having
died insolvent, it had been purchased, at a bargain, by Legree, who used it, as he
did everything else, merely as an implement for money-making. The place had
that ragged, forlorn appearance, which is always produced by the evidence that
the care of the former owner has been left to go to utter decay.

What was once a smooth-shaven lawn before the house, dotted here and there
with ornamental shrubs, was now covered with frowsy tangled grass, with horse-
<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe

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