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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
It was a day or two after the conversation between Marie and Miss Ophelia,
that Tom, Adolph, and about half a dozen others of the St. Clare estate, were
turned over to the loving kindness of Mr. Skeggs, the keeper of a depot on __
Street, to await the auction, next day.

Tom had with him quite a sizable trunk full of clothing, as had most others of
them. They were ushered, for the night, into a long room, where many other men,
of all ages, sizes, and shades of complexion, were assembled, and from which
roars of laughter and unthinking merriment were proceeding.

“Ah, ah! that’s right. Go it, boys,- go it!” said Mr. Skeggs, the keeper. “My
people are always so merry! Sambo, I see!” he said, speaking approvingly to a
burly negro who was performing tricks of low buffoonery which occasioned the
shouts which Tom had heard.

As might be imagined, Tom was in no humor to join these proceedings; and,
therefore, setting his trunk as far as possible from the noisy group, he sat down on
it, and leaned his face against the wall.

The dealers in the human article make scrupulous and systematic efforts to
promote noisy mirth among them, as a means of drowning reflection, and render-
ing them insensible to their condition. The whole object of the training to which
the negro is put, from the time he is sold in the northern market till he arrives
south, is systematically directed towards making him callous, unthinking, and bru-
tal. The slave-dealer collects his gang in Virginia or Kentucky, and drives them to
some convenient healthy place,- often a watering place,- to be fattened. Here they
<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe

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