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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
and to bring her the camphor-bottle, and to bathe her head, and unhook her dress.
And, in the general confusion that ensued, Miss Ophelia made her escape to her

She saw, at once, that it would do no good to say anything more; for Marie
had an indefinite capacity for hysteric fits; and, after this, whenever her husband’s
or Eva’s wishes with regard to the servants were alluded to, she always found it
convenient to set one in operation. Miss Ophelia, therefore, did the next best
thing she could for Tom,- she wrote a letter to Mrs. Shelby for him, stating his
troubles, and urging them to send to his relief.

The next day, Tom and Adolph, and some half a dozen other servants, were
marched down to a slave warehouse, to await the convenience of the trader, who
was going to make up a lot for auction.
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