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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
“Are you going so soon?”

“Yes. St. Clare’s brother has written, and he and the lawyer think that the ser-
vants and furniture had better be put up at auction, and the place left with our law-

“There’s one thing I wanted to speak with you about,” said Miss Ophelia.
“Augustine promised Tom his liberty, and began the legal forms necessary to it. I
hope you will use your influence to have it perfected.”

“Indeed, I shall do no such thing!” said Marie, sharply. “Tom is one of the
most valuable servants on the place,- it couldn’t be afforded, any way. Besides
what does he want of liberty? He’s a great deal better off as he is.”

“But he does desire it, very earnestly, and his master promised it,” said Miss

“I dare say he does want it,” said Marie; “they all want it, just because they
are a discontented set,- always wanting what they haven’t got. Now, I’m princi-
pled against emancipating, in any case. Keep a negro under the care of a master,
and he does well enough, and is respectable; but set them free, and they get lazy,
and won’t work, and take to drinking, and go all down to be mean, worthless fel-
lows. I’ve seen it tried, hundreds of times. It’s no favor to set them free.”

“But Tom is so steady, industrious, and pious.”

“O, you needn’t tell me! I’ve seen a hundred like him. He’ll do very well, as
long as he’s taken care of,- that’s all.”
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