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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
“But, suppose we should rise up to-morrow and emancipate, who would edu-
cate these millions, and teach them how to use their freedom? They never would
rise to do much among us. The fact is, we are too lazy and unpractical, ourselves,
ever to give them much of an idea of that industry and energy which is necessary
to form them into men. They will have to go north, where labor is the fashion,-
the universal custom; and tell me, now, is there enough Christian philanthropy,
among your northern states, to bear with the process of their education and eleva-
tion? You send thousands of dollars to foreign missions; but could you endure to
have the heathen sent into your towns and villages, and give your time, and
thoughts, and money, to raise them to the Christian standard? That’s what I want
to know. If we emancipate, are you willing to educate? How many families, in
your town, would take in a negro man and woman, teach them, bear with them,
and seek to make them Christians?

How many merchants would take Adolph, if I wanted to make him a clerk; or
mechanics if I wanted him taught a trade? If I wanted to put Jane and Rosa to a
school, how many schools are there in the northern states that would take them
in? how many families that would board them? and yet they are as white as many
a woman, north or south. You see, cousin, I want justice done us. We are in a bad
position. We are the more obvious oppressors of the negro; but the unchristian
prejudice of the north is an oppressor almost equally severe.”

“Well, cousin, I know it is so,” said Miss Ophelia,- “I know it was so with me,
till I saw that it was my duty to overcome it; but, I trust I have overcome it; and I
<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe

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