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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
when St. Clare sang the more pathetic parts. Tom would have sympathized more
heartily, if he had known the meaning of the beautiful words:

Recordare Jesu pie
Quod sum causa tuae viae
Ne me perdas, illa die
Querens me sedisti lassus
Redemisti crucem passus
Tantus labor non sit cassus. 3

Think, O Jesus, for what reason
Thou endured’st earth’s spite and treason,
Nor me lose, in that dread season;
Seeking me, thy worn feet hasted,
On the cross thy soul death tasted,
Let not all these toils be wasted.

St. Clare threw a deep and pathetic expression into the words; for the shad-
owy veil of years seemed drawn away, and he seemed to hear his mother’s voice
leading his. Voice and instrument seemed both living, and threw out with vivid


These lines have been thus rather inadequately translated:
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