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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
would insist on keeping him constantly about him, and, fastidious and unap-
proachable as he was with regard to his deeper feelings, he almost thought aloud
to Tom. Nor would any one have wondered at it, who had seen the expression of
affection and devotion with which Tom continually followed his young master.

“Well, Tom,” said St. Clare, the day after he had commenced the legal formali-
ties for his enfranchisement, “I’m going to make a free man of you;- so, have
your trunk packed, and get ready to set out for Kentuck.”

The sudden light of joy that shone in Tom’s face as he raised his hands to
heaven, his emphatic “Bless the Lord!” rather discomposed St. Clare; he did not
like it that Tom should be so ready to leave him.

“You haven’t had such very bad times here, that you need be in such a rap-
ture, Tom,” he said, dryly.

“No, no, Mas’r! ‘tan’t that,- it’s bein’ a free man! That’s what I’m joyin’ for.”

“Why, Tom, don’t you think, for your own part, you’ve been better off than to
be free?”

“No, indeed, Mas’r St. Clare,” said Tom, with a flash of energy. “No, indeed!”

“Why, Tom, you couldn’t possibly have earned, by your work, such clothes
and such living as I have given you.”

“Knows all that, Mas’r St. Clare; Mas’r’s been too good; but, Mas’r, I’d rather
have poor clothes, poor house, poor everything, and have ‘em mine, than have the
best, and have ‘em any man’s else,- I had so, Mas’r; I think it’s natur, Mas’r.”
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