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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
seated; and there were white scarfs and ribbons, and crape bands, and mourners
dressed in black crape; and there were words read from the Bible, and prayers of-
fered; and St. Clare lived, and walked, and moved, as one who has shed every
tear;- to the last he saw only one thing, that golden head in the coffin but then he
saw the cloth spread over it, the lid of the coffin closed; and he walked, when he
was put beside the others, down to a little place at the bottom of the garden, and
there, by the mossy seat where she and Tom had talked, and sung, and read so
often, was the little grave.

St. Clare stood beside it,- looked vacantly down; he saw them lower the little
coffin; he heard, dimly, the solemn words, “I am the resurrection and the Life; he
that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live;” and, as the earth was
cast in and filled up the little grave, he could not realize that it was his Eva they
were hiding from his sight.

Nor was it!- not Eva, but only the frail seed of that bright, immortal form with
which she shall yet come forth, in the day of the Lord Jesus!

And then all were gone, and the mourners went back to the place which
should know her no more, and Marie’s room was darkened, and she lay on the
bed, sobbing and moaning in uncontrollable grief, and calling every moment for
the attentions of all her servants. Of course, they had no time to cry,- why should
they? the grief was her grief, and she was fully convinced that nobody on earth
did, could, or would feel it as she did.
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