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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
Tom, at last, would not sleep in his room, but lay all night in the outer veran-
dah, ready to rouse at every call.

“Uncle Tom, what alive have you taken to sleeping anywhere and every-
where, like a dog for?” said Miss Ophelia. “I thought you was one of the orderly
sort, that liked to lie in bed in a Christian way.”

“I do, Miss Feely,” said Tom, mysteriously. “I do, but now-”

“Well, what now?”

“We mustn’t speak loud; Mas’r St. Clare won’t hear on’t; but, Miss Feely, you
know there must be somebody watchin’ for the bridegroom.”

“What do you mean, Tom?”

“You know it says in Scripture, ‘At midnight there was a great cry made. Be-
hold, the bridegroom cometh.’ That’s what I’m spectin’ now, every night, Miss
Feely,- and I couldn’t sleep out o’ hearin’, no ways.”

“Why, Uncle Tom, what makes you think so?”

“Miss Eva, she talks to me. The Lord, he sends his messenger in the soul. I
must be thar, Miss Feely; for when that ar blessed child goes into the kingdom,
they’ll open the door so wide, we’ll all get a look in at the glory, Miss Feely.”

“Uncle Tom, did Miss Eva say she felt more unwell than usual to-night?”
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