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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
Marie rose and threw herself out of the apartment into her own, when she fell
into violent hysterics.

“You didn’t give me a curl, Eva,” said her father, smiling sadly.

“They are all yours, papa,” said she, smiling,- “yours and mamma’s; and you
must give dear aunty as many as she wants. I only gave them to our poor people
myself, because you know, papa, they might be forgotten when I am gone, and be-
cause I hoped it might help them remember.... You are a Christian, are you not,
papa? said Eva, doubtfully.

“Why do you ask me?”

“I don’t know. You are so good, I don’t see how you can help it.”

“What is being a Christian, Eva?”

“Loving Christ most of all,” said Eva.

“Do you, Eva?”

“Certainly, I do.”

“You never saw Him,” said St. Clare.

“That makes no difference,” said Eva. “I believe Him, and in a few days I
shall see Him;” and the young face grew fervent, radiant with joy.

St. Clare said no more. It was a feeling which he had seen before in his
mother; but no chord within vibrated to it.
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