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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
“It’s such a pity,- oh! such a pity!” said Eva, looking out on the distant lake,
and speaking half to herself.

“What’s a pity?” said Marie.

“Why, that any one, who could be a bright angel, and live with angels, should
go all down, down, down, and nobody help them!- oh, dear!”

“Well, we can’t help it; it’s no use worrying, Eva! I don’t know what’s to be
done; we ought to be thankful for our own advantages.”

“I hardly can be,” said Eva, “I’m so sorry to think of poor folks that haven’t

“That’s odd enough,” said Marie;- “I’m sure my religion makes me thankful
for my advantages.”

“Mamma,” said Eva, “I want to have some of my hair cut off,- a good deal of

“What for?” said Marie.

“Mamma, I want to give some away to my friends, while I am able to give it
to them myself. Won’t you ask aunty to come and cut it for me?”

Marie raised her voice, and called Miss Ophelia, from the other room.

The child half rose from her pillow as she came in, and, shaking down her
long golden-brown curls, said, rather playfully, “Come, aunty, shear the sheep!”
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