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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
It was rather a singular one,- a brilliant scarlet geranium, and one single white
japonica, with its glossy leaves. It was tied up with an evident eye to the contrast
of color, and the arrangement of every leaf had carefully been studied.

Topsy looked pleased, as Eva said,- “Topsy, you arrange flowers very prettily.
Here,” she said, “is this vase I haven’t any flowers for. I wish you’d arrange some-
thing every day for it.”

“Well, that’s odd!” said Marie. “What in the world do you want that for?”

“Never mind, mamma; you’d as lief as not Topsy should do it,- had you not

“Of course, anything you please, dear! Topsy, you hear your young mistress;-
see that you mind.”

Topsy made a short courtesy, and looked down; and, as she turned away, Eva
saw a tear roll down her dark cheek.

“You see, mamma, I knew poor Topsy wanted to do something for me,” said
Eva to her mother.

“O, nonsense! it’s only because she likes to do mischief. She knows she
mustn’t pick flowers, so she does it; that’s all there is to it. But if you fancy to
have her pluck them, so be it.”

“Mamma, I think Topsy is different from what she used to be; she’s trying to
be a good girl.”
<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe

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