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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
“Because I’ve felt so, too.”

“What is it, Miss Eva?- I don’t understand.”

“I can’t tell you; but, when I saw those poor creatures on the boat, you know,
when you came up and I,- some had lost their mothers, and some their husbands,
and some mothers cried for their little children,- and when I heard about poor
Prue,- oh, wasn’t that dreadful!- and a great many other times, I’ve felt that I
would be glad to die, if my dying could stop all this misery. I would die for them,
Tom, if I could,” said the child, earnestly, laying her little thin hand on his.

Tom looked at the child with awe; and when she, hearing her father’s voice,
glided away, he wiped his eyes many times, as he looked after her.

“It’s jest no use tryin’ to keep Miss Eva here,” he said to Mammy, whom he
met a moment after. “She’s got the Lord’s mark in her forehead.”

“Ah, yes, yes,” said Mammy, raising her hands; “I’ve allers said so. She
wasn’t never like a child that’s to live-there was allers something deep in her
eyes. I’ve told Missis so, many the time; it’s a-comin’ true,- we all sees it,- dear,
little, blessed lamb!”

Eva came tripping up the verandah steps to her father. It was late in the after-
noon, and the rays of the sun formed a kind of glory behind her, as she came for-
ward in her white dress, with her golden hair and glowing cheeks, her eyes
unnaturally bright with the slow fever that burned in her veins.
<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe

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