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TWO days after this, Alfred St. Clare and Augustine parted; and Eva, who
had been stimulated, by the society of her young cousin, to exertions beyond her
strength, began to fail rapidly. St. Clare was at last willing to call in medical ad-
vice,- a thing from which he had always shrunk, because it was the admission of
an unwelcome truth.

But, for a day or two, Eva was so unwell as to be confined to the house; and
the doctor was called.

Marie St. Clare had taken no notice of the child’s gradually decaying health
and strength, because she was completely absorbed in studying out two or three
new forms of disease to which she believed she herself was a victim. It was the
first principle of Marie’s belief that nobody ever was or could be so great a suf-
ferer as herself; and, therefore, she always repelled quite indignantly any sugges-
tion that any one around her could be sick. She was always sure, in such a case,
that it was nothing but laziness, or want of energy; and that, if they had had the
suffering she had, they would soon know the difference.

Miss Ophelia had several times tried to awaken her maternal fears about Eva;
but to no avail.
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