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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
“Poh!” said Alfred, “we’ll take care of that in this country. We must set our
face against all this educating, elevating talk, that is getting about now; the lower
class must not be educated.”

“That is past praying for,” said Augustine; “educated they will be, and we
have only to say how. Our system is educating them in barbarism and brutality.
We are breaking all humanizing ties, and making them brute beasts; and, if they
get the upper hand, such we shall find them.”

“They never shall get the upper hand!” said Alfred.

“That’s right,” said St. Clare; “put on the steam, fasten down the escape-
valve, and sit on it, and see where you’ll land.”

“Well,” said Alfred, “we will see. I’m not afraid to sit on the escape-valve, as
long as the bollers are strong, and the machinery works well.”

“The nobles in Louis XVI’s time thought just so; and Austria and Pius IX
think so now; and, some pleasant morning, you may all be caught up to meet each
other in the air, when the boilers burst.”

“Dies declarabit,” said Alfred, laughing.

“I tell you,” said Augustine, “if there is anything that is revealed with the
strength of a divine law in our times, it is that the masses are to rise, and the un-
der class become the upper one.”
<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe

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