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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
“Here, Dodo,” said his master, imperiously.

Dodo sprang and held the horse, while his master mounted.

“There’s a picayune for you to buy candy with, Dodo,” said Henrique; “go get

And Henrique cantered down the walk after Eva. Dodo stood looking after the
two children. One had given him money; and one had given him what he wanted
far more-a kind word, kindly spoken. Dodo had been only a few months away
from his mother. His master had bought him at a slave warehouse, for his hand-
some face, to be a match to the handsome pony; and he was now getting his
breaking in, at the hands of his young master.

The scene of the beating had been witnessed by the two brothers St. Clare,
from another part of the garden.

Augustine’s cheek flushed; but he only observed, with his usual sarcastic care-

“I suppose that’s what we may call republican education, Alfred?”

“Henrique is a devil of a fellow, when his blood’s up,” said Alfred, carelessly.

“I suppose you consider this an instructive practice for him,” said Augustine,
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