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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
“Set up a boarding school! Wouldn’t you teach them to play on the piano, and
paint on velvet?”

“I’d teach them to read their own Bible, and write their own letters, and read
letters that are written to them,” said Eva, steadily. “I know, mamma, it does
come very hard on them, that they can’t do these things. Tom feels it,- Mammy
does,- a great many of them do. I think it’s wrong.”

“Come, come, Eva; you are only a child! You don’t know anything about
these things,” said Marie; “besides, your talking makes my head ache.”

Marie always had a headache on hand for any conversation that did not ex-
actly suit her.

Eva stole away; but after that, she assiduously gave Mammy reading lessons.
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