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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
“Well, that was just the way Eliza Jane was taken, and Ellen and Maria Sand-

“O! stop these hobgoblin nurse legends. You old hands get so wise, that a
child cannot cough, or sneeze, but you see desperation and ruin at hand. Only
take care of the child, keep her from the night air, and don’t let her play too hard,
and she’ll do well enough.”

So St. Clare said; but he grew nervous and restless. He watched Eva fever-
ishly day by day, as might be told by the frequency with which he repeated over
that “the child was quite well”- that there wasn’t anything in that cough,- it was
only some little stomach affection, such as children often had. But he kept by her
more than before, took her oftener to ride with him, brought home every few days
some receipt or strengthening mixture,- “not,” he said, “that the child needed it,
but then it would not do her any harm.”

If it must be told, the thing that struck a deeper pang to his heart than anything
else was the daily increasing maturity of the child’s mind and feelings. While still
retaining all a child’s fanciful graces, yet she often dropped, unconsciously, words
of such a reach of thought, and strange unworldly wisdom, that they seemed to be
in inspiration. At such times, St. Clare would feel a sudden thrill, and clasp her in
his arms, as if that fond clasp could save her; and his heart rose up with wild de-
termination to keep her, never to let her go.

The child’s whole heart and soul seemed absorbed in works of love and kind-
ness. Impulsively generous she had always been; but there was a touching and
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