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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
Tom and Eva were seated on a little mossy seat, in an arbor, at the foot of the
garden. It was Sunday evening, and Eva’s Bible lay open on her knee. She read,-
“And I saw a sea of glass, mingled with fire.”

“Tom,” said Eva, suddenly stopping, and pointing to the lake, “there ‘tis.”

“What, Miss Eva?”

“Don’t you see,- there?” said the child, pointing to the glassy water, which, as
it rose and fell, reflected the golden glow of the sky. “There’s a ‘sea of glass, min-
gled with fire.’”

“True enough, Miss Eva,” said Tom; and Tom sang-

“O, had I the wings of the morning,
I’d fly away to Canaan’s shore;
Bright angels should convey me home,
To the new Jerusalem."

“Where do you suppose new Jerusalem is, Uncle Tom?” said Eva.

“O, up in the clouds, Miss Eva.”

“Then I think I see it,” said Eva. “Look in those clouds!- they look like great
gates of pearl; and you can see beyond them-far, far off-it’s all gold. Tom, sing
about ‘spirits bright.’”
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