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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
“I wouldn’t hear to Missis’ givin’ lessons nor nothin’. Mas’r’s quite right in
dat ar;- ‘twouldn’t do, no ways. I hope none our family ever be brought to dat ar,
while I’s got hands.”

“Don’t fear, Chloe; I’ll take care of the honor of the family,” said Mrs. Shelby,
smiling. “But when do you expect to go?”

“Well, I want spectin’ nothin’; only Sam, he’s a-gwine to de river with some
colts, and he said I could go ‘long with him; so I jest put my things together. If
Missis was willin’, I’d go with Sam tomorrow morning, if Missis would write my
pass, and write me a commendation.”

“Well, Chloe, I’ll attend to it, if Mr. Shelby has no objections. I must speak to

Mrs. Shelby went upstairs, and Aunt Chloe, delighted, went out to her cabin,
to make her preparation.

“Law sakes, Mas’r George! ye didn’t know I’s a-gwine to Louisville to-mor-
row!” she said to George, as, entering her cabin, he found her busy in sorting over
her baby’s clothes. “I thought I’d jis look over sis’s things, and get ‘em straight-
ened up. But I’m gwine, Mas’r George,- gwine to have four dollars a week; and
Missis is gwine to lay it all up, to buy back my old man agin!”

“Whew!” said George, “here’s a stroke of business, to be sure! How are you
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