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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
And Mr. Shelby, not knowing any other way of enforcing his ideas, raised his
voice,- a mode of arguing very convenient and convincing, when a gentleman is
discussing matters of business with his wife.

Mrs. Shelby ceased talking, with something of a sigh. The fact was, that
though her husband had stated she was a woman, she had a clear, energetic, practi-
cal mind, and a force of character every way superior to that of her husband; so
that it would not have been so very absurd a supposition, to have allowed her ca-
pable of managing, as Mr. Shelby supposed. Her heart was set on performing her
promise to Tom and Aunt Chloe, and she sighed as discouragement thickened
around her.

“Don’t you think we might in some way contrive to raise that money? Poor
Aunt Chloe! her heart is so set on it!”

“I’m sorry, if it is. I think I was premature in promising. I’m not sure, now,
but it’s the best way to tell Chloe, and let her make up her mind to it. Tom’ll have
another wife, in a year or two; and she had better take up with somebody else.”

“Mr. Shelby, I have taught my people that their marriages are as sacred as
ours. I never could think of giving Chloe such advice.”

“It’s a pity, wife, that you have burdened them with a morality above their
condition and prospects. I always thought so.”

“It’s only the morality of the Bible, Mr. Shelby.”
<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe

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