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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
Topsy, who had stood like a black statue during this discussion, with hands de-
cently folded, now, at a signal from Miss Ophelia, went on:

“Our first parents, being left to the freedom of their own will, fell from the
state wherein they were created.”

Topsy’s eyes twinkled, and she looked inquiringly.

“What is it, Topsy?” said Miss Ophelia.

“Please, Missis, was dat ar state Kintuck?”

“What state, Topsy?”

“Dat state dey fell out of. I used to hear Mas’r tell how we came down from

St. Clare laughed.

“You’ll have to give her a meaning, or she’ll make one,” said he. “There
seems to be a theory of emigration there.”

“O Augustine, be still,” said Miss Ophelia; “how can I do anything, if you
will be laughing?”

“Well, I won’t disturb the exercises again, on my honor;” and St. Clare took
his paper into the parlor, and sat down, till Topsy had finished her recitations.
They were all very well, only that now and then she would oddly transpose some
important words, and persist in the mistake, in spite of every effort to the con-
trary; and St. Clare, after all his promises of goodness, took a wicked pleasure in
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