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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
“Well, whip her, then, to your heart’s content; I’ll give you full power to do
what you like.”

“Children always have to be whipped,” said Miss Ophelia; “I never heard of
bringing them up without.”

“O, well, certainly,” said St. Clare; “do as you think best. Only I’ll make one
suggestion: I’ve seen this child whipped with a poker, knocked down with the
shovel or tongs, whichever came handiest, etc.; and, seeing that she is used to that
style of operation, I think your whippings will have to be pretty energetic, to
make much impression.”

“What is to be done with her, then?” said Miss Ophelia.

“You have started a serious question,” said St. Clare; “I wish you’d answer it.
What is to be done with a human being that can be governed only by the lash,-
that fails,- it’s a very common state of things down here!”

“I’m sure I don’t know; I never saw such a child as this.”

“Such children are very common among us, and such men and women, too.
How are they to be governed?” said St. Clare.

“I’m sure it’s more than I can say,” said Miss Ophelia.

“Or I either,” said St. Clare. “The horrid cruelties and outrages that once and
awhile find their way into the papers,- such cases as Prue’s, for example,- what do
they come from? In many cases, it is a gradual hardening process on both sides,-
the owner growing more and more cruel, as the servant more and more callous.
<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe

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