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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
“Laws, now, is it?” said Topsy, with an air of innocent wonder.

“La, there an’t any such thing as truth in that limb,” said Rosa, looking indig-
nantly at Topsy. “If I was Mas’r St. Clare, I’d whip her till the blood run. I would,-
I’d let her catch it!”

“No, no, Rosa,” said Eva, with an air of command, which the child could as-
sume at times; “you mustn’t talk so, Rosa. I can’t bear to hear it.”

“La sakes! Miss Eva, you’s so good, you don’t know nothing how to get
along with niggers. There’s no way but to cut ‘em well up, I tell ye.”

“Rosa!” said Eva, “hush! Don’t you say another word of that sort!” and the
eye of the child flashed, and her cheek deepened its color.

Rosa was cowed in a moment.

“Miss Eva has got the St. Clare blood in her, that’s plain. She can speak, for
all the world, just like her papa,” she said, as she passed out of the room.

Eva stood looking at Topsy.

There stood the two children, representatives of the two extremes of society.
The fair, high-bred child, with her golden head, her deep eyes, her spiritual, noble
brow, and prince-like movements; and her black, keen, subtle, cringing, yet acute
neighbor. They stood the representatives of their races. The Saxon, born of ages
of cultivation, command, education, physical and moral eminence; the Afric, born
of ages of oppression, submission, ignorance, toil, and vice!
<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe

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