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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
Miss Ophelia was so indignant at the barefaced lie, that she caught the child
and shook her.

“Don’t you tell me that again!”

The shake brought the gloves on to the floor, from the other sleeve.

“There, you!” said Miss Ophelia, “will you tell me now, you didn’t steal the

Topsy now confessed to the gloves, but still persisted in denying the ribbon.

“Now, Topsy,” said Miss Ophelia, “if you’ll confess all about it, I won’t whip
you this time.” Thus adjured, Topsy confessed to the ribbon and gloves, with woe-
ful protestations of penitence.

“Well, now, tell me. I know you must have taken other things since you have
been in the house, for I let you run about all day yesterday. Now, tell me if you
took anything, and I shan’t whip you.

“Laws, Missis! I took Miss Eva’s red thing she wars on her neck.”

“You did, you naughty child!- Well, what else?”

“I took Rosa’s yer-rings,- them red ones.”

“Go bring them to me this minute, both of ‘em.”

“Laws, Missis! I can’t,- they’s burnt up!”

“Burnt up!- what a story! Go get ‘em, or I’ll whip you.”
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