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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
“Nobody, as I knows on,” said the child, with a short laugh.

The idea appeared to amuse her considerably; for her eyes twinkled, and she

“I spect I grow’d. Don’t think nobody never made me.”

“Do you know how to sew?” said Miss Ophelia, who thought she would turn
her inquiries to something more tangible.

“No, Missis.”

“What can you do?- what did you do for your master and mistress?

“Fetch water, and wash dishes, and rub knives, and wait on folks.”

“Were they good to you?”

“Spect they was,” said the child, scanning Miss Ophelia cunningly.

Miss Ophelia rose from this encouraging colloquy; St. Clare was leaning over
the back of her chair.

“You find virgin soil there, cousin; put in your own ideas,- you won’t find
many to pull up.”

Miss Ophelia’s ideas of education, like all her other ideas, were very set and
definite; and of the kind that prevailed in New England a century ago, and which
are still preserved in some very retired and unsophisticated parts, where there are
no railroads. As nearly as could be expressed, they could be comprised in very
few words: to teach them to mind when they were spoken to; to teach them the
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