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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
“Don’t see what Mas’r St. Clare wants of ‘nother nigger!” said Dinah, survey-
ing the new arrival with no friendly air. “Won’t have her round under my feet, I

“Pah!” said Rosa and Jane, with supreme disgust; “let her keep out of our
way! What in the world Mas’r wanted another of these low niggers for, I can’t

“You go long! No more nigger dan you be, Miss Rosa,” said Dinah, who felt
this last remark a reflection on herself. “You seem to tink yourself white folks.
You an’t nerry one, black nor white. I’d like to be one or turrer.”

Miss Ophelia saw that there was nobody in the camp that would undertake to
oversee the cleansing and dressing of the new arrival; and so she was forced to do
it herself, with some very ungracious and reluctant assistance from Jane.

It is not for ears polite to hear the particulars of the first toilet of a neglected,
abused child. In fact, in this world, multitudes must live and die in a state that it
would be too great a shock to the nerves of their fellow-mortals even to hear de-
scribed. Miss Ophelia had a good, strong, practical deal of resolution; and she
went through all the disgusting details with heroic thoroughness, though it must
be confessed with no very gracious air,- for endurance was the utmost to which
her principles could bring her. When she saw, on the back and shoulders of the
child, great welts and calloused spots, ineffaceable marks of the system under
which she had grown up thus far, her heart became pitiful within her.
<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe

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