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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
“Augustine, what in the world have you brought that thing here for?”

“For you to educate, to be sure, and train in the way she should go. I thought
she was rather a funny specimen in the Jim Crow line. Here, Topsy,” he added,
giving a whistle, as a man would to call the attention of a dog, “give us a song,
now, and show us some of your dancing.”

The black, glassy eyes glittered with a kind of wicked drollery, and the thing
struck up, in a clear shrill voice, an odd negro melody, to which she kept time
with her hands and feet, spinning round, clapping her hands, knocking her knees
together, in a wild, fantastic sort of time, and producing in her throat all those odd
guttural sounds which distinguish the native music of her race; and finally, turn-
ing a summerset or two, and giving a prolonged closing note, as odd and un-
earthly as that of a steam-whistle, she came suddenly down on the carpet, and
stood with her hands folded, and a most sanctimonious expression of meekness
and solemnity over her face, only broken by the cunning glances which she shot
askance from the corners of her eyes.

Miss Ophelia stood silent, perfectly paralyzed with amazement.

St. Clare, like a mischievous fellow as he was, appeared to enjoy her
astonishment; and, addressing the child again, said,

“Topsy, this is your new mistress. I’m going to give you up to her: see now
that you behave yourself.”
<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe

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