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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
that Alfred is what is called a hard master; for he isn’t. He is despotic, and unmer-
ciful to insubordination; he would shoot a fellow down with as little remorse as
he would shoot a buck, if he opposed him. But, in general, he takes a sort of pride
in having his slaves comfortably fed and accommodated.

“When I was with him, I insisted that he should do something for their instruc-
tion; and, to please me, he did get a chaplain, and used to have them catechized
Sunday, though, I believe, in his heart, that he thought it would do about as much
good to set a chaplain over his dogs and horses. And the fact is, that a mind stupe-
fied and animalized by every bad influence from the hour of birth, spending the
whole of every week-day in unreflecting toil, cannot be done much with by a few
hours on Sunday. The teachers of Sunday-schools among the manufacturing popu-
lation of England, and among plantation-hands in our country, could perhaps tes-
tify to the same result, there and here. Yet some striking exceptions there are
among us, from the fact that the negro is naturally more impressible to religious
sentiment than the white.”

“Well,” said Miss Ophelia, “how came you to give up your plantation life?”

“Well, we jogged on together some time, till Alfred saw plainly that I was no
planter. He thought it absurd, after he had reformed, and altered, and improved
everywhere, to suit my notions, that I still remained unsatisfied. The fact was, it
was, after all, the THING that I hated,- the using these men and women, the per-
petuation of all this ignorance, brutality, and vice,- just to make money for me!
<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe

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