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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
sorrow of such natures, in such a hell-begotten sort of world as ours. What re-
mained for her, but to train her children in her own views and sentiments?

Well, after all you say about training, children will grow up substantially what
they are by nature, and only that. From the cradle, Alfred was an aristocrat; and as
he grew up, instinctively, all his sympathies and all his reasonings were in that
line, and all mother’s exhortations went to the winds. As to me, they sunk deep
into me. She never contradicted, in form, anything that my father said, or seemed
directly to differ from him; but she impressed, burnt into my very soul, with all
the force of her deep, earnest nature, an idea of the dignity and worth of the mean-
est human soul. I have looked in her face with solemn awe, when she would point
up to the stars in the evening, and say to me, ‘See there, Auguste! the poorest,
meanest soul on our place will be living, when all these stars are gone forever,-
will live as long as God lives!’

“She had some fine old paintings; one, in particular, of Jesus healing a blind
man. They were very fine, and used to impress me strongly. ‘See there, Auguste,’
she would say; ‘the blind man was a beggar, poor and loathsome; therefore, He
would not heal him afar off! He called him to Him, and put His hands on him! Re-
member this, my boy.’ If I had lived to grow up under her care, she might have
stimulated me to I know not what of enthusiasm. I might have been a saint, re-
former, martyr,- but, alas! alas! I went from her when I was only thirteen, and I
never saw her again!
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