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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
“I tell you, Augustine, I can’t get over things so, if you can. It’s a perfect
abomination for you to defend such a system,- that’s my mind!”

“What now?” said St. Clare, looking up. “At it again, hey?”

“I say it’s perfectly abominable for you to defend such a system!” said Miss
Ophelia, with increasing warmth.

“I defend it, my dear lady? Who ever said I did defend it?” said St. Clare.

“Of course, you defend it,- you all do,- all you Southerners. What do you
have slaves for, if you don’t?”

“Are you such a sweet innocent as to suppose nobody in this world ever does
what they don’t think is right? Don’t you, or didn’t you ever, do anything that you
did not think quite right?”

“If I do, I repent of it, I hope,” said Miss Ophelia, rattling her needles with en-

“So do I,” said St. Clare, peeling his orange; “I’m repenting of it all the time.”

“What do you keep on doing it for?”

“Didn’t you ever keep on doing wrong, after you’d repented, my good

“Well, only when I’ve been very much tempted,” said Miss Ophelia.

“Well, I’m very much tempted,” said St. Clare; “that’s just my difficulty.”

“But I always resolve I won’t, and I try to break off.”
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