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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
The woman seemed desirous, yet reluctant, to speak, and answered, in a low,
mysterious tone.

“Well, you mustn’t tell nobody. Prue, she got drunk agin,- and they had her
down cellar,- and thar they left her all day,- and I hearn ‘em saying that the flies
had got to her,- and she’s dead!”

Dinah held up her hands, and, turning, saw close by her side the spirit-like
form of Evangeline, her large, mystic eyes dilated with horror, and every drop of
blood driven from her lips and cheeks.

“Lor bless us! Miss Eva’s gwine to faint away! What got us all, to let her har
such talk? Her pa’ll be rail mad.”

“I shan’t faint, Dinah,” said the child, firmly; “and why shouldn’t I hear it? It
an’t so much for me to hear it, as for poor Prue to suffer it.”

“Lor sakes! it isn’t for sweet, delicate young ladies, like you,- these yer stories
isn’t; it’s enough to kill ‘em!”

Eva sighed again, and walked upstairs with a slow and melancholy step.

Miss Ophelia anxiously inquired the woman’s story. Dinah gave a very garru-
lous version of it, to which Tom added the particulars which he had drawn from
her that morning.

“An abominable business,- perfectly horrible!” she exclaimed, as she entered
the room where St. Clare lay reading his paper.
<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe

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