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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
“O Lord have mercy on ye! poor crittur. Han’t ye never heard of Jesus

“Jesus Christ,- who’s He?”

“Why, He’s the Lord,” said Tom.

“I think I’ve heard tell o’ the Lord, and the judgment, and torment. I’ve heard
o’ that.”

“But didn’t anybody ever tell you of the Lord Jesus, that loved us poor sin-
ners, and died for us!”

“Don’t know nothin’ ‘bout that,” said the woman; “nobody han’t never loved
me since my old man died.”

“Where was you raised?” said Tom.

“Up in Kentuck. A man kept me to breed chil’en for market, and sold ‘em as
fast as they got big enough; last of all, he sold me to a speculator, and my Mas’r
got me o’ him.”

“What set you into this bad way of drinkin’?”

“To get shet o’ my misery. I had one child after I come here; and I thought
then I’d have one to raise, cause Mas’r wasn’t a speculator. It was de peartest lit-
tle thing! and Missis she seemed to think a heap on’t, at first; it never cried,- it
was likely and fat. But Missis tuck sick, and I tended her; and I tuck the fever,
and my milk all left me, and the child it pined to skin and bone, and Missis
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