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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
“I know he’s always a saucy creature,” said Rosa, poising herself on one of
her little feet, and looking maliciously at Adolph. “He’s always getting me so an-
gry with him.”

“O! ladies, ladies, you will certainly break my heart, between you,” said
Adolph. “I shall be found dead in my bed, some morning, you’ll have it to answer

“Do hear the horrid creature talk!” said both ladies, laughing immoderately.

“Come,- clar out, you! I can’t have you cluttering up the kitchen,” said Dinah;
“in my way, foolin’ round here.”

“Aunt Dinah’s glum, because she can’t go to the ball,” said Rosa.

“Don’t want none o’your light-colored balls,” said Dinah; “cuttin’ round,
makin’ b’lieve you’s white folks. Arter all, you’s niggers, much as I am.”

“Aunt Dinah greases her wool stiff, every day, to make it lie straight,” said

“And it will be wool, after all,” said Rosa, maliciously shaking down her
long, silky curls.

“Well, in the Lord’s sight, an’t wool as good as har, any time?” said Dinah.
“I’d like to have Missis say which is worth the most,- a couple such as you or one
like me. Get out wid ye, ye trumpery,- I won’t have ye round!”
<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe

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