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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
“Such shiftless management, such waste, such confusion, I never saw!”

“I dare say you didn’t.”

“You would not take it so coolly, if you were housekeeper.”

“My dear cousin, you may as well understand, once for all, that we masters
are divided into two classes, oppressors and oppressed. We who are good-natured
and hate severity make up our minds to a good deal of inconvenience. If we will
keep a shambling, loose, untaught set in the community, for our convenience,
why, we must take the consequence. Some rare cases I have seen, of persons,
who, by a peculiar tact, can produce order and system without severity; but I’m
not one of them,- and so I made up my mind, long ago, to let things go just as
they do. I will not have the poor devils thrashed and cut to pieces, and they know
it,- and, of course, they know the staff is in their own hands.”

“But to have no time, no place, no order,- all going on in this shiftless way!”

“My dear Vermont, you natives up by the North Pole set an extravagant value
on time! What on earth is the use of time to a fellow who has twice as much of it
as he knows what to do with? As to order and system, where there is nothing to
be done but to lounge on the sofa and read, an hour sooner or later in breakfast or
dinner isn’t of much account. Now, there’s Dinah gets you a capital dinner,- soup,
ragout, roast fowl, dessert, ice-creams and all,- and she creates it all out of chaos
and old night down there, in that kitchen. I think it really sublime, the way she
manages. But, Heaven bless us! if we are to go down there, and view all the smok-
<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe

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