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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
“Law, Missis, it gets sot so full of dishes, and one thing and another, der an’t
no room, noways-”

“But you should wash your dishes, and clear them away.”

“Wash my dishes!” said Dinah, in a high key, as her wrath began to rise over
her habitual respect of manner; “what does ladies know ‘bout work, I want to
know? When’d Mas’r ever get his dinner, if I was to spend all my time a-washin’
and a-puttin’ up dishes? Miss Marie never telled me so, nohow.”

“Well, here are these onions.”

“Laws, yes!” said Dinah; “thar is whar I put ‘em, now. I couldn’t ‘member.
Them’s particular onions I was a-savin’ for dis yer very stew. I’d forgot they was
in dat ar old flannel.”

Miss Ophelia lifted out the sifting papers of sweet herbs.

“I wish Missis wouldn’t touch dem ar. I likes to keep my things where I
knows whar to go to ‘em,” said Dinah, rather decidedly.

“But you don’t want these holes in the papers.”

“Them’s handy for siftin’ on’t out,” said Dinah.

“But you see it spills all over the drawer.”

“Laws, yes! if Missis will go a-tumblin’ things all up so, it will. Missis has
spilt lots dat ar way,” said Dinah, coming uneasily to the drawers. “If Missis only
will go upstairs till my clarin’ up time comes, I’ll have everything right; but I
<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe

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