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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
When Miss Ophelia entered the kitchen, Dinah did not rise, but smoked on in
sublime tranquillity, regarding her movements obliquely out of the corner of her
eye, but apparently intent only on the operations around her.

Miss Ophelia commenced opening a set of drawers.

“What is this drawer for, Dinah?” she said.

“It’s handy for most anything, Missis,” said Dinah. So it appeared to be. From
the variety it contained, Miss Ophelia pulled out first a fine damask table-cloth
stained with blood, having evidently been used to envelop some raw meat.

“What’s this, Dinah? You don’t wrap up meat in your mistress’ best table-

“O Lor, Missis, no; the towels was all a-missin’,- so I jest did it. I laid out to
wash that ar,- that’s why I put it thar.”

“Shif’less!” said Miss Ophelia to herself, proceeding to tumble over the
drawer, where she found a nutmeg-grater and two or three nutmegs, a Methodist
hymn-book, a couple of soiled Madras handkerchiefs, some yarn and knitting-
work, a paper of tobacco and a pipe, a few crackers, one or two gilded china-sau-
cers with some pomade in them, one or two thin old shoes, a piece of flannel
carefully pinned up enclosing some small white onions, several damask table-nap-
kins, some coarse crash towels, some twine and darning-needles, and several bro-
ken papers, from which sundry sweet herbs were sifting into the drawer.
<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe

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