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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
themselves, as well as they could, in the remaining space, and the whole party set

“What do you think of him?” said George, who sat by Phineas in front.

“Well, it’s only a pretty deep flesh-wound; but, then, tumbling and scratching
down that place didn’t help him much. It has bled pretty freely,- pretty much dre-
aned him out, courage and all,- but he’ll get over it, and may be learn a thing or
two by it.”

“I’m glad to hear you say so,” said George. “It would always be a heavy
thought to me, if I’d caused his death, even in a just cause.

“Yes,” said Phineas, “killing is an ugly operation, any way they’ll fix it,- man
or beast. I’ve been a great hunter, in my day, and I tell thee I’ve seen a buck that
was shot down, and a-dying, look that way on a fellow with his eye, that it reely
most made a feller feel wicked for killing on him; and human creatures is a more
serious consideration yet, bein’, as thy wife says, that the judgment comes to ‘em
after death. So I don’t know as our people’s notions on these matters is too strict;
and, considerin’ how I was raised, I fell in with them pretty considerably.”

“What shall you do with this poor fellow?” said George.

“O, carry him along to Amariah’s. There’s old Grandmam Stephens there,-
Dorcas, they call her,- she’s most an amazin’ nurse. She takes to nursing real natu-
ral and an’t never better suited than when she gets a sick body to tend. We may
reckon on turning him over to her for a fortnight or so.”
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