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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
much more than two miles from our stopping-place. If the road hadn’t been so
rough last night, we could have outrun ‘em entirely.”

As the party neared the fence, they discovered in the distance, along the road,
their own wagon coming back, accompanied by some men on horseback.

“Well, now, there’s Michael, and Stephen, and Amariah!” exclaimed Phineas,
joyfully. “Now we are made,- as safe as if we’d got there.”

“Well, do stop, then,” said Eliza, “and do something for that poor man; he’s
groaning dreadfully.”

“It would be no more than Christian,” said George; “let’s take him up and
carry him on.”

“And doctor him up among the Quakers!” said Phineas; “pretty well, that!
Well, I don’t care if we do. Here, let’s have a look at him;” and Phineas, who, in
the course of his hunting and backwoods life, had acquired some rude experience
of surgery, kneeled down by the wounded man, and began a careful examination
of his condition.

“Marks,” said Tom, feebly, “is that you, Marks?”

“No; I reckon ‘tan’t, friend,” said Phineas. “Much Marks cares for thee, if his
own skin’s safe. He’s off, long ago.”

“I believe I’m done for,” said Tom. “The cussed sneaking dog, to leave me to
die alone! My poor old mother always told me ‘twould be so.”
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