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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
had evidently caught sight of their wagon, whose white cloth-covered top made it
conspicuous at some distance, and a loud yell of brutal triumph came forward on
the wind. Eliza sickened, and strained her child closer to her bosom; the old
woman prayed and groaned, and George and Jim clenched their pistols with the
grasp of despair. The pursuers gained on them fast; the carriage made a sudden
turn, and brought them near a ledge of a steep overhanging rock, that rose in an
isolated ridge or clump in a large lot, which was, all around it, quite clear and
smooth. This isolated pile, or range of rocks, rose up black and heavy against the
brightening sky, and seemed to promise shelter and concealment. It was a place
well known to Phineas, who had been familiar with the spot in his hunting days;
and it was to gain this point he had been racing his horses.

“Now for it!” said he, suddenly checking his horses, and springing from his
seat to the ground. “Out with you, in a twinkling, every one, and up into these
rocks with me. Michael, thee tie thy horse to the wagon, and drive ahead to
Amariah’s, and get him and his boys to come back and talk to these fellows.”

In a twinkling they were all out of the carriage.

“There,” said Phineas, catching up Harry, “you, each of you, see to the
women; and run, now, if you ever did run!”

There needed no exhortation. Quicker than we can say it, the whole party
were over the fence, making with all speed for the rocks, while Michael, throwing
himself from his horse, and fastening the bridle to the wagon, began driving it rap-
idly away.
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