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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
me! I’ll fight to the last breath, before they shall take my wife and son. Can you
blame me?"

“Mortal man cannot blame thee, George. Flesh and blood could not do other-
wise,” said Simeon. “Woe unto the world because of offences, but woe unto them
through whom the offence cometh.”

“Would not even you, sir, do the same, in my place?”

“I pray that I be not tried,” said Simeon; “the flesh is weak.”

“I think my flesh would be pretty tolerable strong, in such a case,” said
Phineas, stretching out a pair of arms like the sails of a windmill. “I ain’t sure,
friend George, that I shouldn’t hold a fellow for thee, if thee had any accounts to
settle with him.”

“If man should ever resist evil,” said Simeon, “then George should feel free to
do it now; but the leaders of our people taught a more excellent way; for the
wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God; but it goes sorely against the
corrupt will of man, and none can receive it save they to who it is given. Let us
pray the Lord that we be not tempted.”

“And so I do,” said Phineas; “but if we are tempted too much-why, let them
look out, that’s all.”

“It’s quite plain thee wasn’t born a friend,” said Simeon, smiling. “The old na-
ture hath its way in thee pretty strong as yet.”
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