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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
about, and keeping a bright lookout ahead; peculiarities which sorted rather oddly
with his broad brim and formal phraseology.

“Our friend Phineas hath discovered something of importance to the interests
of thee and thy party, George,” said Simeon; “it were well for thee to hear it.”

“That I have,” said Phineas, “and it shows the use of man’s always sleeping
with one ear open, in certain places, as I’ve always said. Last night I stopped at a
little lone tavern, back on the road. Thee remembers the place, Simeon, where we
sold some apples, last year, to that fat woman, with the great ear-rings. Well, I
was tired with hard driving; and, after my supper, I stretched myself down on a
pile of bags in the corner, and pulled a buffalo over me, to wait till my bed was
ready; and what does I do, but get fast asleep.”

“With one ear open, Phineas?” said Simeon, quietly.

“No; I slept, ears and all, for an hour or two, for I was pretty well tired; but
when I came to myself a little, I found that there were some men in the room, sit-
ting round a table, drinking and talking; and I thought, before I made much mus-
ter, I’d just see what they were up to, especially as I heard them say something
about the Quakers. ‘So,’ says one, ‘they are up in the Quaker settlement, no
doubt,’ says he. Then I listened with both ears, and I found that they were talking
about this very party. So I lay and heard them lay off all their plans.

This young man, they said, was to be sent back to Kentucky, to his master,
who was going to make an example of him, to keep all niggers from running
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