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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
“I do wish St. Clare ever would go to church,” said Marie; “but he hasn’t a
particle of religion about him. It really isn’t respectable.”

“I know it,” said St. Clare. “You ladies go to church to learn how to get along
in the world, I suppose, and your piety sheds respectability on us. If I did go at
all, I would go where Mammy goes; there’s something to keep a fellow awake
there, at least.”

“What! those shouting Methodists? Horrible!” said Marie.

“Anything but the dead sea of your respectable churches, Marie. Positively,
it’s too much to ask of a man. Eva, do you like to go? Come, stay at home and
play with me.”

“Thank you, papa; but I’d rather go to church.”

“Isn’t it dreadful tiresome?” said St. Clare.

“I think it is tiresome, some,” said Eva; “and I am sleepy, too, but I try to keep

“What do you go for, then?”

“Why, you know, papa,” she said, in a whisper, “cousin told me that God
wants to have us; and He gives us everything, you know; and it isn’t much to do
it, if He wants us to. It isn’t so very tiresome, after all.”

“You sweet, little obliging soul!” said St. Clare, kissing her; “go along, that’s
a good girl, and pray for me.”
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