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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
In fact, I haven’t strength to do it. But there are points where St. Clare and I dif-
fer. St. Clare never understood me, never appreciated me. I think it lies at the root
of all my ill health. St. Clare means well, I am bound to believe; but men are con-
stitutionally selfish and inconsiderate to woman. That, at least, is my impression.”

Miss Ophelia, who had not a small share of the genuine New England cau-
tion, and a very particular horror of being drawn into family difficulties, now be-
gan to foresee something of this kind impending; so, composing her face into a
grim neutrality, and drawing out of her pocket about a yard and a quarter of stock-
ing, which she kept as a specific against what Dr. Watts asserts to be a personal
habit of Satan when people have idle hands, she proceeded to knit most energeti-
cally, shutting her lips together in a way that said, as plain as words could, “You
needn’t try to make me speak. I don’t want anything to do with your affairs,”- in
fact, she looked about as sympathizing as a stone lion. But Marie didn’t care for
that. She had got somebody to talk to, and she felt it her duty to talk, and that was
enough; and reinforcing herself by smelling again at her vinaigrette, she went on.

“You see, I brought my own property and servants into the connection, when I
married St. Clare, and I am legally entitled to manage them my own way. St.
Clare had his fortune and his servants, and I’m well enough content he should
manage them his way; but St. Clare will be interfering. He has wild, extravagant
notions about things, particularly about the treatment of servants. He really does
act as if he set his servants before me, and before himself, too; for he lets them
make him all sorts of trouble, and never lifts a finger. Now, about some things, St.
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