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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
Miss Ophelia’s round eyes expressed an undisguised amazement at this per-
oration, which struck St. Clare as so supremely ludicrous, that he burst into a loud

“St. Clare always laughs when I make the least allusion to my ill health,” said
Marie, with the voice of a suffering martyr. “I only hope the day won’t come
when he’ll remember it!” and Marie put her handkerchief to her eyes.

Of course, there was rather a foolish silence. Finally, St. Clare got up, looked
at his watch, and said he had an engagement down street. Eva tripped away after
him, and Miss Ophelia and Marie remained at the table alone.

“Now, that’s just like St. Clare!” said the latter, withdrawing her handkerchief
with somewhat of a spirited flourish when the criminal to be affected by it was no
longer in sight. “He never realizes, never can, never will, what I suffer, and have,
for years. If I was one of the complaining sort, or ever made any fuss about my
ailments, there would be some reason for it. Men do get tired, naturally, of a com-
plaining wife. But I’ve kept things to myself, and borne, and borne, till St. Clare
has got in the way of thinking I can bear anything.”

Miss Ophelia did not exactly know what she was expected to answer to this.

While she was thinking what to say, Marie gradually wiped away her tears,
and smoothed her plumage in a general sort of way, as a dove might be supposed
to make toilet after a shower, and began a housewifely chat with Miss Ophelia,
concerning cupboards, closets, linen-presses, store-rooms, and other matters, of
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