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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
“Well, the position may be a matter of opinion; but what do you think of the

“If you don’t think anything of my opinion in one case, I suppose you
wouldn’t in another,” said the lady, shutting the daguerreotype.

“Hang the woman!” said St. Clare, mentally; but aloud he added, “Come,
now, Marie, what do you think of the likeness? Don’t be nonsensical, now.”

“It’s very inconsiderate of you, St. Clare,” said the lady, “to insist on my talk-
ing and looking at things. You know I’ve been lying all day with the sick-head-
ache; and there’s been such tumult made ever since you came, I’m half dead.”

“You’re subject to the sick-headache, ma’am?” said Miss Ophelia, suddenly
rising from the depths of the large arm-chair, where she had sat quietly, taking an
inventory of the furniture, and calculating its expense.

“Yes,- I’m a perfect martyr to it,” said the lady.

“Juniper-berry tea is good for sick-headache,” said Miss Ophelia; “at least,
Auguste, Deacon Abraham Perry’s wife, used to say so; and she was a great

“I’ll have the first juniper-berries that get ripe in our garden by the lake
brought in for that especial purpose,” said St. Clare, gravely pulling the bell as he
did so; “meanwhile, cousin, you must be wanting to retire to your apartment, and
refresh yourself a little, after your journey. Dolph,” he added, “tell Mammy to
come here.” The decent mulatto woman whom Eva had caressed so rapturously
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