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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
cians as we have just before elections,- such pious goings on in all departments of
church and state, that a fellow does not know who’ll cheat him next. I don’t
know, either, about religion being up in the market just now. I have not looked in
the papers lately, to see how it sells. How many hundred dollars, now, do you put
on for this religion?”

“You like to be a-jokin, now,” said the trader; “but, then, there’s sense under
all that ar. I know there’s differences in religion. Some kinds is mis’rable: there’s
your meetin’ pious; there’s your singin’, roarin’ pious; them ar an’t no account, in
black or white;- but these raily is; and I’ve seen it in niggers as often as any, your
rail softly, quiet, stiddy, honest, pious, that the hull world couldn’t tempt ‘em to
do nothing that they thinks is wrong; and ye see in this letter what Tom’s old mas-
ter says about him.”

“Now,” said the young man, stooping gravely over his book of bills, “if you
can assure me that I really can buy this kind of pious, and that it will be set down
to my account in the book up above, as something belonging to me, I wouldn’t
care if I did go a little extra for it. How d’ye say?”

“Wal, rally I can’t do that,” said the trader. “I’m a-thinkin that every man’ll
have to hang on his own hook, in them ar quarters.”

“Rather hard on a fellow that pays extra on religion, and can’t trade with it in
the state where he wants it most, an’t it, now?” said the young man, who had been
making out a roll of bills while he was speaking. “There, count your money, old
boy!” he added, as he handed the roll to the trader.
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