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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
“O, certainly, there’s a call on your benevolence, my friend. Now, as a matter
of Christian charity, how cheap could you afford to let him go, to oblige a young
lady that’s particular sot on him?”

“Wal, now, just think on’t,” said the trader; “just look at them limbs,- broad-
chested, strong as a horse. Look at his head; them high forrads allays shows calcu-
latin’ niggers, that’ll do any kind ‘o thing. I’ve marked that ar. Now, a nigger of
that ar heft and build is worth considerable, just, as you may say, for his body,
supposin’ he’s stupid; but come to put in his calculatin’ faculties, and them which
I can show he has oncommon, why, of course, it makes him come higher. Why,
that ar fellow managed his master’s whole farm. He has a ‘strornary talent for

“Bad, bad, very bad; knows altogether too much!” said the young man, with
the same mocking smile playing about his mouth. “Never will do, in the world.
Your smart fellows are always running off, stealing horses, and raising the devil
generally. I think you’ll have to take off a couple of hundred for his smartness.”

“Wal, there might be something in that ar, if it warn’t for his character; but I
can show recommends from his master and others, to prove he is one of your real
pious,- the most humble, prayin’, pious critter ye ever did see. Why, he’s been
called a preacher in them parts he came from.”

“And I might use him for a family chaplain, possibly,” added the young man,
dryly. “That’s quite an idea. Religion is a remarkably scarce article at our house.”
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