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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
folks, that’s brought up in the way of ‘spectin’ to keep their children and wives,
and all that. Niggers, you know, that’s fetched up properly, ha’n’t no kind of
‘spectations of no kind; so all these things comes easier.”

“I’m afraid mine are not properly brought up, then,” said Mr. Shelby.

“S’pose not; you Kentucky folks spile your niggers. You mean well by ‘em,
but ‘tan’t no real kindness, arter all. Now, a nigger, you see, what’s got to be
hacked and tumbled round the world, and sold to Tom, and Dick, and the Lord
knows who, ‘tan’t no kindness to be givin’ on him notions and expectations, and
bringin’ on him up too well, for the rough and tumble comes all the harder on him
arter. Now, I venture to say, your niggers would be quite chop-fallen in a place
where some of your plantation niggers would be singing and whooping like all
possessed. Every man, you know, Mr. Shelby, naturally thinks well of his own
ways; and I think I treat niggers just about as well as it’s ever worth while to treat

“It’s a happy thing to be satisfied,” said Mr. Shelby, with a slight shrug, and
some perceptible feelings of a disagreeable nature.

“Well,” said Haley, after they had both silently picked their nuts for a season,
“what do you say?”

“I’ll think the matter over, and talk with my wife,” said Mr. Shelby. “Mean-
time, Haley, if you want the matter carried on in the quiet way you speak of,
you’d best not let your business in this neighborhood be known. It will get out
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