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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
Ever quiet and obliging, and more than ready to lend a hand in every emer-
gency which occurred among the workmen below, he had won the good opinion
of all the hands, and spent many hours in helping them with as hearty a good will
as ever he worked on a Kentucky farm.

When there seemed to be nothing for him to do, he would climb to a nook
among the cotton-bales of the upper deck, and busy himself in studying over his
Bible,- and it is there we see him now.

For a hundred or more miles above New Orleans, the river is higher than the
surrounding country, and rolls its tremendous volume between massive levees
twenty feet in height. The traveller from the deck of the steamer, as from some
floating castle top, overlooks the whole country for miles and miles around. Tom,
therefore, had spread out full before him, in plantation after plantation, a map of
the life to which he was approaching.

He saw the distant slaves at their toil; he saw afar their villages of huts gleam-
ing out in long rows on many a plantation, distant from the stately mansions and
pleasure-grounds of the master;- and as the moving picture passed on, his poor,
foolish heart would be turning backward to the Kentucky farm, with its old shad-
owy beeches,- to the master’s house, with its wide, cool halls, and, near by, the lit-
tle cabin, overgrown with the multiflora and bignonia. There he seemed to see
familiar faces of comrades, who had grown up with him from infancy; he saw his
busy wife, bustling in her preparations for his evening meals; he heard the merry
laugh of his boys at their play, and the chirrup of the baby at his knee; and then,
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